英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:03:54
  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

1. It is only appropriate that an Irish immigrant to the United States be the one credited with originating the dollar sign.

2. Scholars in Beijing credited the move as being in the right direction but expected the breakthrough to be limited.

3. He is credited with inventing the magic can called Foo Can and is also said to be the inspiration for many other magicians.

4. Sun Managing Editor Graham Dudman advised media outlets it owned the copyright to the images and must be credited for their use.

5. It can also be credited to our unique mechanisms for training, evaluation and encouragement.

6. Yet, the financial industry cannot be credited as having contributed to it.

7. The municipal government must be credited for its efforts to satisfy such hopes, especially in the past several years.

8. The economic rebound of some European countries can be partly credited on exports to China.

9. Huixian used to be inhabited by the Gonggong Tribe, credited with an old Chinese legend about the creation of man.

10. Much of this success can be credited to the biannual Canton Fair, which has been running since 1957.

be credited to的反义词

1. The money from Banco Delta Asia had yet to be credited to its account.

2. Insert name of account holder to be credited.

3. The reason why the prophet can not be credited with the authorship of this passage, though in form and content it is not unlike Jeremiah, is the high value put upon the observance of holy days, which is wholly foreign to the prophet.

4. be credited to的近义词

4. Your bonus will be credited to your account within 48 hours.

5. Students need to be credited and selected.

6. PM615 Your purchase of italki Credits will be credited to your italki account upon settlement of your bank transfer.

7. In the event of such exercise, the proceeds in excess of commission costs created thereby will be credited to my account.

8. N Refunds, once goods have been accepted under normal conditions, will be credited back to theoriginal payment method within one month cash refunds are not available, so COD and Direct

9. Finally, part of the Russian success must be credited to her systematic exploitation of satellite countries.

10. Call time can be credited to your account at the shop.


11. A huge part of this trend can be credited to an aggressive tax incentive plan that allows productions which drop more than $50, 000 in Massachusetts to receive a 25% rebate on everything they spend in the state.

12. Article 34 Those who are in any of the following circumstances shall compute the tax payable based on the sales value and according to the VAT rates, but no input tax can be credited and special VAT invoices shall not be used


13. Because he was the first to publish a description of this new computer, von Neumann is often wrongly credited with the realization that the program (that is, the sequence of computation steps) could be represented electronically just as the data was.

14. Once you pay to fund your Purchase or Advertising balance you will be credited instantly.

15. The event fee will not be refunded, but can be credited to future XXX`s events/ XXX reserves the right to change the content without notice.

16. An increase in net carrying amount arising on revaluati on of fixed assets should be credited directly to Shareholders'equity under the heading Revaluati on reserve.

17. Baker can be credited with having shown us how to make our profession a mainstream one, touching the lives of common people and solving the real problems facing society.

18. Deposit will be credited to your account subject to our receipt of cash.

19. If your friend has made the necessary deposit, you will be credited 10% of the first deposit amount to your betting account within 7 days.


20. Unless otherwise agreed, the deposit will be credited toward your unpaid invoices, if any, at the conclusion of our services and any remaining balance will be returned to you.

Deposit will be credited to your account subject to our receipt of cash.(存款金额以本行实际收到的现金为准。)
My success should be credited to my parents.(我的成功应该归功于我的父母。)
Sometimes I think the discovery of gravitation perhaps should be credited to those apples falling on Newton's head.(有时候我想地球引力的发现也许应该归功于那几只落在牛顿头上的苹果。)
I want to say up front that I think a lot of chronic injuries are blamed on exercise that should rightfully be credited to high heels.(首先我想说,我认为许多慢性损伤都应该由高跟鞋负责。)
The key ingredient is thought to be the lycopene, the antioxidant already credited with cutting the risk of prostate cancer in men and protecting against heart disease.(起关键作用的成分是番茄红素,这种抗氧化剂已被确定可降低男性患前列腺癌和心脏病的风险。)
A large component of the portability of NetBSD can be credited to an intelligently designed system and well-defined implementation standards.(NetBSD可移植性的一个重要因素可以归功于巧妙设计的系统和良好定义的实现标准。)
Much of Manchester United's success can be credited to their manager.(曼联的成功在相当程度上可以归功于他们的经理。)
Unless otherwise instructed by you, your withdrawals will be credited to your bank account as specified below.(除阁下另行指示外,阁下所提取的款项将会被存入下述阁下的银行帐户。)
The additional $900 will then be credited to your account.(另外的900元将会加入你的帐户。)
If our taxi company has had a hundred percent achievement, half of it should Be credited to our passengers. Our Business is at its Best Because of you and us.(假如本出租汽车公司取得百分之百的成绩,那么一半功劳是乘客的,因为您与我们同行,才给我们的生意带来最佳水平。)
be credited to是什么意思 be credited to在线翻译 be credited to什么意思 be credited to的意思 be credited to的翻译 be credited to的解释 be credited to的发音 be credited to的同义词